Barnabas New York City

This is a weekly (or as often as we can) blog of a community of male friends who share three things: A love for Jesus of Nazareth, a love for all things creative, and a love for New York City.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Update and The Last Supper

We have been incommunicado the past few months although we have continued to meet, faithfully. The past few weeks have been more personal discussion rather than larger topics although those are not far from our hearts and minds. We’ve talked about stuff as grandiose as Mako’s visit to the White House to welcome the Japanese Prime Minister and his art installation in London alongside Yoko Ono, to things simply wonderful as Kevin getting a promotion and less time at work so now he can do more of his music. We look forward to hearing him play here in NYC with his quartet.

After Mako’s trip to London he and his family took a vacation to Europe. His particular desire was to go see da Vinci’s “Last Supper”. This morning we talked about his experience in seeing the painting and his thoughts on the importance of Philip in the painting. Philip is located on the right side of the painting in a cinnabar “pink” robe, seemingly in the midst of the action of standing up. Mako suggests that without Philip the painting would fall apart. Which drew him to think about why Philip would be so important to Leonardo? So Mako went back to the Gospels…

Not to leave you in suspense, nor to take some “fire” away from Mako, but the rest of these thoughts can actually be found in his next “Refraction” that he sends out via email. If you’d like to receive this “Refraction” as well as the others send Mako an email at

Kirk, Mako, and Bryan.