Barnabas New York City

This is a weekly (or as often as we can) blog of a community of male friends who share three things: A love for Jesus of Nazareth, a love for all things creative, and a love for New York City.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

B for Barnabas

CJ (15) joins our Barnabas Men's Group. Cj and his Barnabas dad just saw "V for Vandetta" and reported that it was a pretty good movie. Tom reports that the author, Alan Moore, removed himself from the movie, because the original version was about fascism verses anarchists, and the movie made it out to be conservatives against liberals.

What is destruction with a meaning?

Mark 4:11 states:

"He (Jesus) told them 'The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables."

Are movies parables? If so, what is "V for Vendatta" saying about us and our society? Was V a terrorist? Or was he a martyr? Was there an intended reaction that the viewer is asked to take? Or, as the creators of the movies attests, the movie is leaving the interpretation open ended? Or is the movie's whole point that all things should be open ended for people to own and decide.

What about Dietrich Bonhoffer, German Lutherine pastor of early twentieth century, who went back to Nazis Germany, a pastor who felt called to assassinate Hitler. A saint turned into a saint/assassin. And then a martyr.


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