Barnabas New York City

This is a weekly (or as often as we can) blog of a community of male friends who share three things: A love for Jesus of Nazareth, a love for all things creative, and a love for New York City.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Fad generation

What happens to a culture when a generation of people grow up with always looking for the 'new' thing? Is it possible for anything truly good to last? Kevin brought this issue up when he said that he thought Pavarroti was the last of his superstardom...he also added that a person like Tony Bennett is similar. Both are the some of the best at what they do, both have had public and professional acclaim. And both are old enough that they at least remember, a time when the "super" media culture did not exist. The next generation of these type of performers will not be have the kind of fame and recognition that they did.

(insert Kevin's tyrade against a national pop culture and the globalization of art and the need for greater regional recognition for regional art.)

Tom: Oprah is the consummate cultural curator and... (kevin quickly shouts)
Kevin: Oprah Winfrey is the very antithesis of everything I believe to be good and true in art. (note to the reader: Kevin is an rather quick to reach the most extreme point of view)


Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

Ah, but isn't that why we all love Kevin? ;)

1:27 PM  

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