Jesus for Governer of South Carolina ?
is what we keep hearing from our brothers and sisters in South Carolina. If you read:
you will get a sense of this.
They are calling for Barnabas brothers to move to South Carolina. Ian (our new member) asks "couldn't we do it, like, nine months out of the year?" Actually, they want many, many Christians to move to South Carolina to have a majority.
So, let's say, we all do that...then what? We pass laws that would please all of the Christians? So we pass what laws? Do we pass laws against homosexuals, deers and the arts? Granted, artists like Matthew Barney will want all three of these to be combined ( So they would want to forbid Mathew Barney's of the world to make art. We do think Barney's art borders on evil, but if we pass all the laws that we want, would that eradicate all the sins of the world?
Think back to the 50's. Think forward one decade to the 60's. Did the 50's counter against the corruption of culture, or contribute to it? If our brothers and sisters in this movement to move to South Carolina are successful, would that make a better society, or would it cause a huge vacuum in culture in other areas? Are we talking about political Christianity, or are we talking about a Redemptive Christianity?
WE love New York City. We have moved to NYC and plan to raise our families in NYC (except our newcomer Ian, who is called to pastor in Greenwich...) We do that because we believe that God's blessing pours through all people, regardless of whether they believe in Jesus or not. We believe that God loves the cities, because people congregate there, and they are God's creation. Even if they do not know Christ, they still reflect the glory of God. Further, we believe that we NEED non-Christians to learn from, to journey with, because we are "resident aliens" and aliens need friends.
When Constantine (330) came into power, his "Christianizing" of a nation caused Christianity to weaken. Christianity, apparently, is best when marginalized, as an alternative community of God. Perhaps we need to stay in the cities where we are minorities, because we will be more effective.
"I cut myself with a paper...should I be trusted with an automatic weapons?" Was Kevin's last comment as he left.
Food for thought,
Kevin, Bryan. Mako, Ian, and Kirk